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UNIMA Australia Newsletter November


Dear members,Welcome to another issue of the UNIMA Australia Newsletter, which we are also sending to other UNIMA NationalCentres in order to connect and exchan...

Dear members,

Welcome to another issue of the UNIMA Australia Newsletter, which we are also sending to other UNIMA National
Centres in order to connect and exchange. This newsletter will be replacing O.P.E.N. to ensure that puppeteers overseas
are kept in touch with what is happening in Australia as well.
Most of our Committee has spent time out of Australia this year with all sorts of puppetry experiences and we will be
hearing about them in this and future issues, along with our online magazine, UNIMA OZ.
The main topic of the next UNIMA OZ magazine, due early next year, is puppetry in the Asia Pacific, so we are inviting
submissions from our members about their experiences as well as articles from national centres in our region. If you
whish to send articles, images and videos, please contact Kay Yasugi ( or me,
We have a wonderful opportunity to promote ouselves and share information on the UNIMA Asian Pacific Website. It
would be great for us to take advantage of this, so please read the article and information in this newsletter.
Recently I was in China for The 14th Asia Arts Festival, Quanzhou and had the opportunity to meet again with Tang
Dayu, President of the UNIMA Asia Pacific Commission, Jacques Trudeau, Secretary General of UNIMA , Presidents of
UNIMA centres along with many performers from around the world. It was fantastic! and a great opportunity to connect
with other centres. It is likely Jacques will be visiting NSW, Australia, early next year, so we will organise a gathering/
event. I will keep you posted.
I was also fortunate to meet up with Terrence Tan from UNIMA Singapore when he visited Melbourne early last month.
We had a very productive conversation and look forward to sharing info with Singapore.
Due to the success of the Simon Rann workshops early this year, we are working on organising some more workshops
mid to late 2016 with a very renowned South American performer. Early days yet and I will keep you informed.
The AGM of UNIMA Australia was held on the 22nd of October, 2015. Any member wanting a copy of the minutes and
financial report, please contact me to send it to you. Our current membership is around 100.
I think we are looking at some exciting times ahead and do not forget the UNIMA Congress Festival in Tolosa, Spain
next year.
Richard Hart,

Unima Newsletter November.pdf
