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5th China Quanzhou International Puppetry Festival


 From December 7 to 11, 2017, the 5th China Quanzhou International Puppetry Festival will be held in Quanzhou. It is jointly held by the Organizing Committ...


From December 7 to 11, 2017, the 5th China Quanzhou International Puppetry Festival will be held in Quanzhou. It is jointly held by the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Maritime Silk Road Festival and UNESCO UNIMA China.

The festival is one of the important events in Maritime Silk Road Festival, which will serve as an exchange and presentation platform for puppetry artists from various countries. There will be non-profit theatre performances, outdoor performances, seminar and art salon, etc. We hope that this festival will enhance the understanding and friendship among people from various nations and promote their communication and cooperation.
