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High-Profile Forum, Academic Research and Artistic Exchange Activities during the 21st World Puppetry Festival


Puppet and shadow play with a long history are cultural treasures for human beings. It is a worldwide issue and the greatest challenge for UNIMA to protect while activating these treasures.

Puppet and shadow play with a long history are cultural treasures for human beings. It is a worldwide issue and the greatest challenge for UNIMA to protect while activating these treasures.

We hope, through this great event, to provide for puppeteers all over the world a platform to exchange and display their achievements, to discuss the protection, inheritance, and development of puppetry, and to make this time-honored art known and loved by more people. 

I. Artistic Communications 

i. Popularization Activities

These activities will offer platforms and chances for professionals and amateurs to communicate, display and interact. The professionals will interpret, demonstrate and teach the basic performing skills of puppetry, as well as briefly introduce the traditional and modern producing process and material selection for puppet and shadow shows, and introduce the relationship between puppetry and fine art, animation and children’s practical abilities.

ii. Professional Exchange Activities

Demonstration and discusses among professionals, including multimedia shows, demonstration of performing skills, producing of puppets, questions and answers, and seminars.

II. Academic Exchange Activities

During the festival, there will be high-profile forums, seminars, lectures, and demonstrations to promote exchange, understanding, and cooperation between professionals.

III. Contents of Seminars  

A. Comparison and research on western and eastern marionette arts  

B. Research on the status quo, protection, inheritance and development of western and eastern marionette arts  

C. Research on styles and features of western and eastern marionettes’ modeling and performing arts   

D. A Primary investigation on western and eastern marionettes’ directing aesthetics   

E. Research on high-tech, modern sound-light-electrical technology and animation film art applied in marionette performances   

F. Exploration and research on development of cultural markets and cultural industries for puppet and shadow plays

IV. Topics of forums

A Primary investigation on the relationship between traditional Chinese puppet /shadow play and drama/theatre performances

A primary investigation on the directing aesthetics of puppet and shadow plays

Research on the modeling and sculpture aesthetics of puppet and shadow plays

Research on inheritance and development of performing skills of puppet and shadow plays.
