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Non-Profit Exhibition and Performance Activities were Held in China


UNIMA China, China Puppetry and Shadow Art Association, UNIMA Asia-Pacific Commission (with its headquarter located in China) has decided to jointly hold the ‘World Puppetry Day’ Public Exhibition and performance on March 21st each year in China. On the 14th ‘World Puppetry Day’ this year, all the provinces, cities, counties and countries, who have puppetry and shadow troupes, presented special exhibitions and performances in their local theatres, squares, communities, schools, kindergartens, school of deaf-mutes, and gerocomium. Every troupe displayed the uniform banner of ‘World Puppetry Day’ on the spots and organized various activities, such as performances, exhibitions and lectures, etc. Citizens could watch wonderful puppetry and shadow shows near their houses, get close contact with the actors, and interact with puppets and puppeteers. These activities were well received by the audiences and children. This event has expanded the influence of puppetry and shadow art and enhanced the popularity of UNIMA.






