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Ms. Heather Henson's Workshop About Black-Necked Crane Successfully Held in Jinsha


 In the morning of August 4th and 5th, the “Lecture of the Rare Crane, the State First Class Protected Species – Black-Necked Crane” hosted by Jinsha Site ...


In the morning of August 4th and 5th, the “Lecture of the Rare Crane, the State First Class Protected Species – Black-Necked Crane” hosted by Jinsha Site Museum in Chengdu was held in Jinsha rostrum.

UNIMA Asia-Pacific Commission and UNIMA China jointly invited Ms. Heather Henson to be the principle speaker. She is the inheritor of Jim Henson, the founder of Sesame Street, the founder of IBEX Puppet Theater, and member of International Crane Foundation. Ms. Henson connected environmental protection with performance and design of puppetry to create the interaction mode of teaching through lively activities, aiming at getting children familiar with the living habit and environment of black-necked crane, realize the importance of the coexistence of human beings and wild animals in the nature, and guiding them to establish the awareness of protecting eco-environment and various animal species.

The following is the report and images of this event:

Chengdu Daily Current Events & Culture: Sesame Street Inheritor Publicizing Environmental Protection by Shows

Puppet shows, hand games, telling knowledge about black-necked crane... Yesterday morning, a special American guest visited the Jinsha Site Museum—Ms. Heather Henson. She went to the youth education area, giving a vivid environmental protection course for children.


At 9:00a.m.yesterday, the journalist found that many children went to the youth education area of Jinsha Site Museum with their parents early. It turned out to that they were coming for the public activity of black-necked crane protection—the Black-necked Crane & Immigration Route Workshop. The activity specially invited Ms. Heather Henson, the inheritor of Jim Henson, the founder of Sesame Street, and the founder of IBEX Puppet Theater, as the keynote speaker.


On the site the journalist saw that at the beginning of the activity, Mrs. Hansen went into children, dressed in the special costume for puppet show, winning their warm applause. All kids had their eyes opened widely to see what was going to happen. Following that, Ms. Heather Henson revealed the special costume and ingeniously, it was almost a “small theater” hanging on her body: she took out a black-necked crane puppet, waving and copying the sound of black-necked crane. By such a vivid show she told us a legend about the harmonious life of a black-necked crane and human beings.

In addition, Mrs. Hansen invited all kids to make black-necked crane models with her and told them some knowledge about this kind of precious animal. After the activity, Zhang Wenbo, at 6, told the journalist that: “animals live on the earth with us. They are our friends and we should protect them.”

