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President of UNIMA Argentina was Present at the International Conference of Puppet in Yangzhou


 On December 18th, Tito Lorefice, the president of UNIMA Professional Training Commission and UNIMA Argentina, was invited to be present at the first Inter...


On December 18th, Tito Lorefice, the president of UNIMA Professional Training Commission and UNIMA Argentina, was invited to be present at the first International Conference of Puppet in Yangzhou, China. The Conference was sponsored by UNIMA China, China Puppetry and Shadow Arts Association and Yangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV, Film, Press and Publication, organized by Yangzhou Puppet Research Institute, and held in Yangzhou New Century Hotel.

The theme of the Conference was “Our Puppets, our dream”. The leaders and officials attended the Conference include, Li Yannian, President of UNIMA China, Tang Dayu, President of UNIMA Asia-Pacific Commission, Ji Peijun, Director of Yangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV, Film, Press and Publication, Xu Qibing, official from the Art division in Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture, leaders from Yangzhou Intangible Culture Heritage Protection Center and experts in the field of Chinese puppetry art.

During the Conference, Chinese puppetry artists and scholars had a discussion with Mr. Lorefice on the inheritance, innovation and development of the contemporary puppet art.

Mr. Lorefice introduced the current developing state of the puppetry art in Argentina and Latin America and gave his own unique understanding about the latest existing production of puppetry in Latin America and around the world. His speech was full of humor and wisdom, which brought round after round of applause. Then, experts from China, including Jiao Feng, He Xiaoxing, Feng Baoyi, Yin Daning, Wei Minghua and Jiang Shangli, etc. discussed over topics like how to persist with the art itself of Yangzhou puppet in an environment of diverse culture? To which direction should it develop? And what’s the relation between the protection of puppetry inheritance and the development of innovation, as well as how to promote the internationalization of Yangzhou puppetry.

After the conference, Li Yannian, president of UNIMA China, and Tang Dayu, president of UNIMA Asia-Pacific Commission, exchanged their ideas with Mr. Lorefice about how to implementing the cooperation of production and education of puppetry art between the two countries. Accompanied by whom, Mr. Lorefice visited the exhibition room of Yangzhou puppetry research institute and watched several outstanding excerpts performed by young actors and actress. Introduced by Dai Ronghua, the director of Yangzhou puppet troupe, Mr. Lorefice watched the demonstration of puppet performance made by Tan Zhiyuan, an artist of Chinese rod puppet, and communicated with him. Observing the differences between puppets in Argentina and in China, Mr. Lorefice said, “There is an emphasis of personification in Chinese puppet performance, which adds a lot difficulty in its manipulation. Some big puppets require more than one puppeteer, with puppet head, hands, and legs being manipulated by different puppeteers respectively at the same time, which creates a vivid puppet show. We are always interested in Chinese rod puppet. Our students had never seen such difficult manipulation skills like this. So I have taken some photos for them as their learning materials. I have gained a lot in this conference, and I think our two centers should expand our scope of cooperation in aspects like production and performance.”


