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Tangshan Shadow Puppet Troupe


Tangshan Shadow Puppet Troupe, with abundant art strength, was founded in 1943. Chinese leaders, many heads of other countries and ambassadors watched its performances and gave high praises. Hong Kong Phoenix Pictures once filmed part of “The Monkey King Thrice Beats the White Bone Demon” on the TV, and Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio specially filmed a documentary “Tangshan Shadow Puppetry”.

 After years of trial and effort, Tangshan Shadow Puppet Troupe makes some reforms and innovations based on the excellent traditional inheritance; on the basis of preserving own characters and styles, greatly borrows art elements from brother dramas, blending modern shading and fluorescent into traditional simple shadow puppetry performing skills. Large myth shadow puppetries “The Legend of The Goddess of Mercy” and “Chenxiang Saves His Mother” are successful examples proving the innovation on director technique and performance form. These two shows broke the traditional performance form which performing inside the shadow window, adding the effects of fluorescent shadow puppetry. This is not only giving mystical atmosphere, but also increasing a three-dimensional effect to the performance. Thus brings people a fresh experience of shadow puppetry on the vision.  

The troupe was actively invited to give exchange performances in more than 30 counties and regions including the USA, France, Monaco, Netherland, Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Greece, etc. and won a number of national and international awards in International Theatre Festivals, Puppetry Festivals in several countries and national competitions in China. The audiences in different countries prized Tangsan Shadow Puppetry as the “magic and flashed art”, and “Tangshan Shadow Puppetry is the best of the world”.

In 1982, shadow puppetry artist Qi Yongheng, because of the invitation of French International Puppet Institute, went to France teaching skills to shadow puppetry artists from 9 countries. His mastery skills were highly prized by professionals. Tangshan Shadow Puppet Troupe is one of the founding troupes of UNIMA China.






