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Sichuan Giant Puppet Troupe


Sichuan Giant Puppet Troupe is the only inheritance unit for the North Sichuan Giant Puppetry. Sichuan giant puppetry, as a rare type of puppetry in the world, has been listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Project.

Sichuan giant puppetry derived from folk family inheritance art with history of over 300 years. As early as the initial stage of Qing Dynasty, the Sichuan giant puppet was popular in the region of Maanchang, Yilong County, Sichuan.

As a rod puppet, Sichuan giant puppetry has been developed during long-term art practices, resulting in an art style of the simultaneous performance of actors and giant puppets that people will feel undistinguishable. With vivid modeling, exquisite production, authentic figure, giant puppet body, unity of form and spirit, strong resemblance to real people, the giant puppets have a vivid, fine, abundant and fantastic performance style. The giant puppets can not only perform various behaviors such as changing dress, waiving sleeves, lighting up or blowing out a candle, drinking and smoking, but also complete complex behaviors with vivid expressions on their faces such as bowing and kowtowing, and playing instruments and swords. Especially, giant puppets have unique advantages in demonstrating myth, fairy tale and special effect.

Since 1987, dispatched by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the troupe had been to Russia, Finland, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Britain, Chile, Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, and Mexico, etc. All these performance have achieved big success, and achieved warm welcome and strong praise from audiences and artists of all countries. The troupe, furthermore, won the Best Performance Award in the international puppetry festival in Chuncheon of Korea.

China Sichuan Giant Puppet Troupe not only has its modeling artists, performing artists, and scriptwriters, but also has abundant traditional performances such as large myth puppet plays including “Jade Lotus”, “Story of White Snake”, “Thrice Battle with the Whitt Bone Demon” and puppet operas including “Stroll around the New City”, “Colorful Umbrellas Dance”, “Face Changing”, “Long Silk Dance”, and “Puppet calligraphy Arts”. Sichuan Giant Puppet Troupe has participated in various famous national arts festivals and events on behalf of Sichuan, like the 2nd Chinese Arts Festival, the 5th Chinese Arts Festival, Joint Performance of National Puppet and Shadow Shows, and Golden Lion National Puppet and Shadow Shows Competition, being awarded prizes for performance, modeling, stage design and excellent performance. it is now recognized as the “Important Export Project of National Culture” by China Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television, and General Administration of Press and Publication.

