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Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe


Zhangzhou hand puppetry has a long history. It is reported that Zhangzhou hand puppetry came out in Jin Dynasty and became prosperous in Ming Dynasty. As early as Wanli Period of Ming Dynasty, Zhangzhou hand puppetry has spread to various countries in East Asia and Taiwan. With fine and vivid performance style, hand puppetry can not only reflect behaviors including singing, thinking, sitting, and hitting, as well as feelings including pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy, but also perform some behaviors that even human beings actors cannot perform. Hand puppetry is the excellent traditional type of puppetry with high skills, exquisite modeling and unique style. In 2006, hand puppetry and puppet head sculpture of Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe were listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage reserves at the same time.   

Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe was founded in 1959. Under the leadership of the Party, the troupe has made outstanding contribution for developing and expanding excellent national culture through constant exploration, reform and creation for over 50 years. During these years, the troupe has shot 200 films and television programs by cooperating with various units including Beijing Film Studio, Shanghai Animation Film Studio and CCTV. The troupe has also entered Beijing for dozens of times to put on their performances in front of Party leaders and Country leaders including Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Zhu De, Ye Jianying, Yang Shangkun, Zhu Rongji, Jia Qinglin as well as leaders of foreign countries. In addition, the troupe has won various prizes in the world competitions and national competitions. As an envoy of friendship for Chinese people, the troupe has visited more than 50 countries and areas in Asia, Europe,America,Australia, and Africa successively for communication and performance of cultural art. The puppet sculpture, hailed as treasure of Eastern arts, has been liked and praised by leaders such as President Mao Zedong, Premier Wen Jiabao and Guo Moruo. Its performance arts have been spoken highly of by audiences, experts, scholars and new media, which are hailed as the first class arts in the world.



